Friday, October 31, 2008


I was searching for stuff and chanced upon this catalogue with my picture in it. It's a catalogue for an event we did some time back and memories of that chapter flooded my mind.

Sometimes, I really do wonder, how many people out there are like me, very sentimental. I'm people oriented, and most of my memories, whether happy ones or not are closely tied to my experiences of people.

I remember a lot about the times I spend with people, the things we said, stuff we laugh about........ I can quote things people said years back but absent minded when it comes to some other things.

Sometimes, I look back at the moments that has past, I'd like to revisit them. So, I often wish that I can travel through time. More often, I wish the framework of time do not even exist. I just don't like to move on with life, and leave some stages behind

1 comment:

iwannasoar said...

grin. Miss shopping with you :)